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Sancocho simple and satisfying

The cold has been peaking it's head around my family, my school, the bus, my work, everywhere. Until the day it is fashionable to walk around the city in a hazmat suit I will have to look for alternative ways to fight the evil seasonal cold. I don't know what your preferred method is to combat seasonal colds.  Though if you're from San Antonio, a caldo might just be what's on the menu.  A warm chicken soup full of garlic, cilantro, large root vegetables, probably chicken stock, though I've tasted some delicious beef caldos. In my mom's house caldo existed as well.  I suppose when in Rome you pick up their recipes and make them your own.  That being said, the Panamanian version of caldo is Sancocho. It is just as simple but does feature vegetables that might be a little harder to find.  So i will say, that if you live in a place that can't find Yuca (also known as Cassava), or Name (pronounced nyameh), you can substitute potatoes, and sweet potato, you

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